
Science and sacrifice

Oh my science... When you are able to think about science like a destination... like a something you could do for society.... You can't think about money, about material things. Money and exploratory science are not connected to each other. You can sacrifice your life for science, but you can't sacrifice your family! Our purpose of life is to reproduce, to generate another copies of our genes to get them to another generation. We cannot forgot about this dogma. Like Darwin - we have to bring up another generation. Remember! We are just the machines which can replicate genes. First of all we have to remember about our destination in this world - than about career and money! Nowadays, in Europe, USA, Canada (for example) people have forgotten what is the purpose of life.

Population growth decreases specially in Europe (see the picture above - from Wikipedia) and in North America. As you can see - about 2020 Europe will start to shrink...

Stop talking about money! Stop talking about career! Stop complaining!


Beware the Believers

Religion is dangerous. Even without war - it is silent volcano. Only one spark and it will erupt. AL-Kaida, Hamas, Israeli Government, IRA and other religious fanatics. Faith is nothing but war and pain. Most wars are religious. Nowadays terrorists are almost always fueled by religion. Beware the believers! Crucifixion, stoning to death, concentration camps for Palestinian... All are the same. All are with faith background... Beware the believers! Today I saw a news title "Hunting witches in Gambia". Fairies, ghosts and other unscientific things are irrationable and unaccaptable in XXI century.


Oh! My Science

Only science could be explanation for all phenomena. We have to be careful to interpret results of our studies. Science have no emotions, have no fear. Science can't vacillate. Science brings only pure proofs. But scientist have to be aware of manipulation and reading these proofs... Only reasonable approach could be acceptable. Reason and science - only they are able to explain everything.


Silkworm, Cow and Human

Talking about the evolution... Artificial selection - as opposed to natural selection - can produce forms completely unable to life without civilisation... For instance cow... Nice milk factory, isn't it?
And take this cow to the nature... It is so mutated - it can's survive.... Eve pack of dogs could kill poor cow. They wouldn't survive winter without man.
Even better example could be silkworm. "Created" by human to produce silk... Nowadays silkworms can't even clib on leaf if they fall from them... They are so good in silk production, but they can't survive without a man. They are marvelous factories... But they are mutants without chances to survive in nature...
And what about us? Aren't we mutants? Unable to exist without society? Without medical care? How far medicine has interfered our bodies and lifespan? Can we survive without medicine and society? Can XXIth century Robinson Crusoe would survive in the nature?
We have to remember we are mutating ourselves. We can't interfere in such important things like childbirth. Reproduction is CRUCIAL in natural selection. And Artificial selection try to control such important process.

The Chicken or the Egg

If the amino acid chain (call it protein) is coded by DNA, and if this process is maintain by proteins (enzymes) - so what was first? Proteins or DNA? It was the main problem in genetics and evolution. It was.
Imagine the molecule with both abilities: coding informations and being an enzyme. Is it possible? Off course it is. This molecule has been living for years in the shadow of DNA. Nowadays its rule is rising and it seems to be much more important than DNA. I am talking off course about RNA.
Imagine the world with RNA. No DNA, no proteins... Only RNA exist in the sea. This is a simple molecule. With only necessary genes. It is important to mention about environment. Because RNA is less stable than DNA. But in those days environment was different. Just to mention about oxygen... As we know, for sure, there was much, much less oxygen than nowadays. And other environmental components could be completely different.
But it can form double helix - like DNA. In those environmental conditions this helix could be much more stable. Imagine short RNA molecules which can replicate using its own catalyzing ability. The problem solved...


Beyond the Existance of the Machine

Why are we here? For what purpose? Is there any reason for us to live? If you don't believe in god, someday you might stand face to face with such questions.
Imagine - there is no purpose of life. So what is the point of life? I can tell you: we have point of life. We live for some reason. We've got the purpose of live...

Our parents gave us life... Their parents did this to them. And so on... Our purpose is to reproduce... From generation to generation... Furthermore - we aren't even for this reason on this planet... We are only the gene machine - produced by genes to make copies of them...
And just imagine our bodies like giant factories copying information to another generation...

Genes exists in a long period of time without any change in their sequence. They are using organisms to copy to another generation. So we are only vehicles for genes.
Sometimes the mutation occurs in gene - and it could be eliminated or accepted by natural selection. But the information flow is being kept since the beginning.


I want to believe ...

Let's say there is no god...

The map shows the results of an Eurobarometer poll conducted in 2005. This is the percentage of people in each country who answered "I don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force". Grey countries were not included in the poll. (by Wikipedia)

This map shows the result of an Eurobarometer poll conducted in 2005. The colors indicated the percentage of people in each country who answered "I believe there is a God" in the interview. The countries marked in grey were not included in the poll. (by Wikipedia)

Fraction of atheists and agnostics in different countries. The values for China, Cuba, and North Korea must be viewed with skepticism as comparatively little data is available in these countries. (by Wikipedia)

As we can see from this maps, most people believe. And it is very important, that rather most atheist are week atheists - real atheists are minority. To be a real atheist one cant' believe in god and other miraculous things. Furthermore - real atheists can't even think about this. Why? because real atheists have no need to believe and think about existence of any miraculous power or god.

I believe in myself and others... There is no god, no ghosts, souls, aliens and other unscientific forces... Only science can explain things - and if it can explain it now - it will in the future.
But most people have to believe - because they are week - and they need a higher force - a god.

People beliefs are their own case. This may be very personal. For me - my atheism is personal - I don't even think about this. Is just - about 1997 I've started to be strong atheist. 1-2 years earlier I was week atheist - rather agnostic. And after I understand there is no god - "god" just disappeared from my life and mind. This is all - There is no reason to talk about this. It is gone .



When I got up I realized I was indecent on my first entry. But it was only my feelings transferred and reconstructed for the first entry on this blog...
In the near future I will try to show you the simplicity of life and it's creation and evolution... No! I am NOT creationist... I will just try to show you the way it is... The way why evolution and why we exist. The theory of everything...
For many reasons some doesn't believe. Many are blinded by priests, themselves, teachers or others... I will try to show you the way it was and proofs it is happening right now.
Life is only the need of dealing with entropy...


In the beginning there was hydrogen

I always knew I am special... I always feel this... Haven't you? But I never know in which way... What can I do to be so special... Nowadays I am so close... I think I discover my purpose... My purpose of life - if it is possible to have such purpose of life...
I started this blog in the very breakthrough moment... and I know - THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE...